In today’s heartwarming rescue, our team responded to a distress call from a local factory. Upon arriving, we followed the sound of frantic meows, leading us to a mother cat and her kittens trapped beneath a sheet of corrugated iron. The mother cat lay unconscious, her health fragile, while her kittens cried for help.
We swiftly rescued the kittens, placing them in a cage, and carefully examined the mother. She was extremely weak with low blood pressure. After administering a necessary injection, we transported them to a nearby animal rescue center. There, the veterinarian continued the care, noting that the kittens were healthy, but the mother required further treatment due to her critical condition.
After a thorough examination and some rest, the mother cat was cleaned and bathed, gradually regaining strength. While the kittens happily explored their new surroundings, the mother remained shy and cautious, adjusting to her new environment. We hope that in time, she’ll feel comfortable and bond more closely with her babies.
This rescue was a reminder of how urgent and important it is to act swiftly to save these vulnerable lives. Stay tuned for more updates on their recovery journey!