Kitten with Burnt Paws Runs to Firefighters, Knowing They Could Help

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The fires continue to ravage California, destroying all flora and fauna in their path. So far, at least 2 million acres have been consumed by the seemingly unstoppable blaze, but rescue teams and firefighters refuse to give up.

Specifically, the entire west coast of the United States has been hit by fires. The states of California, Oregon, and Washington have experienced the worst, but in this event, there are rescue groups giving their all to save every helpless creature.


A few weeks ago, these brave individuals carried out a rescue mission aimed at saving the life of a helpless kitten, which has since been dubbed the “Fire Cat.”

“As we were clearing the area, we heard meowing, and shortly after, this little kitten ran towards us and was very friendly,” said Travizo.

The ground was quite hot due to the still-smoldering embers, but it was clear to the kitten that only these people could end its nightmare.

The small animal ran towards the firefighters, making their job easier. Travizo saw it and didn’t hesitate to run after it to intercept its path so it wouldn’t continue hurting its paws.

The captain picked it up in his hands and placed the small animal into the pocket of his protective jacket to take it to safety.

Since the work that day was not finished and it was impossible to leave the area for a while, Travizo helped the kitten with whatever means were available. He gave it food and tried to heal the wounds caused by the fire.

“I tried to get some food from the base camp for this little one and make sure it was well-fed. It is a good fire cat. We’ll keep it safe until we can take it to an animal shelter,” said the captain at the time.

The situation in the United States is quite concerning, with wildfires continuing to spread in various areas, and people like Travizo are working hard not only to extinguish the flames but also to help everyone affected. It is clear that animals are not spared from danger, and that is why they are also deciding to save them. (yn)

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